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Portrait of a CEO

Carolina Ramirez, an up-and-coming entrepreneur in the construction and remodeling industry, originally hails from Venezuela, where she earned her university degree in civil engineering and later completed a Master's degree in Structural Engineering. Since 2018, as the President and CEO of Altece Design Inc. Carolina has been making her mark in today's male-dominated careers. In the U.S., Carolina works as a professional drafter, collaborating with licensed architects and other professionals to provide top-tier services. Her leadership has established a significant client base, allowing her to secure more projects than many competitors.

According to recent data, in 2024, women will make up approximately 10.9% of the construction workforce in the United States, translating to over 1.28 million women working in the industry. This percentage has gradually increased from previous years, reflecting a growing presence of women in this traditionally male-dominated field. Carolina is an inspirational team leader who thrives on customer satisfaction and support, which are the essence of her mission. Her skills, creativity, and groundbreaking work inspire future leaders in this highly demanding industry. Client testimonials attest to her exceptional capabilities as a CEO and a professional.

Women in the Architecture, Construction, and Engineering Industry

What are the benefits of increasing women's participation in construction? Diversity in the workforce also leads to increased innovation and problem-solving capabilities. Women often bring different perspectives and approaches to construction projects, which can result in more creative solutions and improved project outcomes. Studies have shown that diverse teams outperform homogeneous ones in various industries, including construction.

Increasing the number of women in construction can bring numerous benefits to the industry and society. One of the most significant disadvantages the construction industry has faced is a skilled labor shortage. By tapping into a wider talent pool, companies can fill crucial roles and meet the growing demand for construction projects.

With Carolina at the helm of Altece Design, Inc., clients are teaming up with the finest project leaders. How does she do it? Carolina strives to meet her client's project needs from start to finish. She has been a leader in securing all the necessary elements to complete projects effectively without burdening the client. Look for Altece Design, Inc. to meet the highest accomplishments for years to come. You will never be disappointed.


Gallagher, C.M. (2024, April 22). The Construction Industry: Characteristics of the Employed, 2003–2020. https://www.bls.gov/spotlight/2022/the-construction-industry-labor-force-2003-to-2020/

McGriff, Margaret  (2024, March 01). The State of Women in Construction in 2024. https://www.laborfinders.com/employers/blog/women-in-construction/

Statistics of Women in Construction. (2024, January 26). https://nawic.org/about-nawic/statistics/

Altece Design
We believe the power of design makes dreams come true and makes a positive change one client at a time. Read More

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